She'll never understand.

My anger boils up above
It boils over like a flood
A flood of hate
A flood of its too late
It's to late to reverse this curse
This curse you have set upon my life
She's like your little puppet
You use her and use her for your mind games
She's seven, leave her be
You only want me
Want me to listen
I can feel it
My blood boiling up and up
From my toes to my nose and up it goes
It never ends
It never ends. 
This intense hatred for a man
A man who I used to love
Used to call my FATHER 
Used to look up too
I loved you. 
You threw me away like another one of those beer bottles you went through. 
All of those hours staring at that screen. 
Sitting in your dungeun
Controlling us like fucking puppets. 
And she doesn't know!
She can't know. 
She worships you. 
She loves you. 
She is a child and she doesn't understand why I don't love you. 
She doesn't understand how you pushed us away. 
She doesn't understand all of the tears. 
All of the lost dreams
All of my anger
All of my unbearable hate for you
She doesn't understand why I'm so lost. 
She doesn't understand. 
And she can't. 
And she never will.