Under The Black Sun

Dejected remains we hold
Calamity ensnares all
Peaceful nights we are sold,
Laid to rest by nightfall

Broken free of merit
Thrust into destruction
Faceless sadist so twilit,
As soon flutters the black sun

How quickly we turn
So quickly to learn
What we all yearn
To take and to burn

How vile we've been
Yet here we still grin
Anything to win
Through treacherous sins

For all the gold our souls we'd sell,
A coin for you to take my breath
Our deteriorating health;
Another victim of the dance of death

All through life we've feigned to requite,
How we've transgressed to be malign
To deceive and to steal we lie;
Forever morality in decline

To break and to stay
A hero manqué
Silver tongued forte
To send dismay

Wicked virtues we uphold
Heart of darkness now open
Bare hourglass we hold,
Under the grim, black sun