
As the cars go by
My heart stops
because I think about you
And how you are not there beside me
Why did you leave me
why did you go
I know you had to but,
You know you hurt me
You know you hurt all of us
I ask you why
When you left
I stood there and cried
You left me no choice
I wanted you to stay, not die
Why did you leave me
Why did you
You left me here to cry
And all for nothing
Because I still miss you
I cry every night and
I cry every day But
Do you care
Do you really care
I think you do but
You leave me here to cry
If you love me
You wouldn’t leave me here to die
I love you
And you love me
And now you die
Right there in my room
Why, Why, Why
You leave me here to cry
And you leave me here to die
Right are you
I love you
And i will never for get you