Both sides

They cry into the night
From never ending pain
Witness to the violence
Never the same again

Again we see the hurt
And we ignore the lies
We toss them into dirt
Tears lost behind their eyes

The protection wall tears
When the heart is to heal
And it's too much to bear
That's when the layers peal

Peal back their courage, yes!
In fun we erode them
Just to make them feel less
We rip them at the hem

They will taunt us:"when we
Want to come, you go hide
From all things you see
When we find you, you lied."

Lied through their own li'l teeth
So we go, make you bloody
Not caring what's beneath
You won't tell nobody

We could stand up to you
To make you feel so weak
But we could bid adieu
Find someone else to seek

Seek the pain of others
Mental and emotion
'Til we find another
Hurt you with devotion

Why do we have to hurt,
From the hands and the feet?
Memories can't revert
We feel the dragon's heat.

Heat up the beatings more
Make it so they feel pain
New markings they now bore
It's time to play the game

Time has come to end it
We do not want more scars
Must repair, bit by bit
Close the door that's ajar

A jar, that's what i need
Glass, the sword, now to use
And with it plant the seed
To continue abuse

There's no where to go to
No where to hide or run
Why must new scars be due?
Oh, why must this be done?

Done with the sharpening
Now it is time to find
The pain and the hurting
To bad it is a crime

We will follow in to
The sweet abyss that is
Maybe some one will know
Of the pain that is this

This wasn't suppose to be
The kids in pain weren't here
Weak and small as a flea
Was it too much to bear?

Leaving the Hell that was
And entering His arms
It's the best choice because
Death doesn't have any harms
♠ ♠ ♠
every other section it switches from the victim to the affender