"Oh yeah, aren't you the wrestlers girlfriend?"

If I had to choose between breathing and loving you.... I'd take my last breath to say "I Love You"
That's how it started right? And you said it was true.
I was sick of your lies, the fake love that you showed.
And then you ripped up my heart, broke it and now it has to be sewed.

I remember back when we talked all the time, carefree, just love.
Everyone used to say our relationship and love, fit just like a glove.
I miss way back when. You weren't my boyfriend, but my best friend.
Then when we took that step, you put my heart in a blender. And just let it blend.

When we first met, we hit it off with a bang.
When I went home that night I just waited, but my phone never rang.
You said you loved me. Said you cared.
Now every time I see you, I want to light a flare.

And aim it at you.

Our love was perfect. Our love was like a train wreck.
You kept that thing beating. That pulse in my neck?
Our love was worth a thousand suns.
Yeah right. You gave up, now I'm done.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is semi-real. he is a wrestler, though(;