It comes in every color,
In every shape and every size,
With everything thinkable
And everything a surprise.
Some have more than others,
While some have none at all,
But it shows itself to most,
Through others big and small.
Pleasant and very bubbly,
Sometimes it may appear,
While dark and ferocious
It is to some a fear.
People use it everyday,
Whether it’s in music or a color,
It’s also in acting, playing, thinking, writing,
Not inherited from father or mother.
So feed it thoughts and color,
Music and pictures too,
Because it needs the basics,
Ideas and stories are it’s food.
It can create places and animals,
Make-up people and monsters again,
It’s complex yet simple,
The beginning and the end.
When one draws, what do they make?
When one thinks, what do they dream?
When one plays, what do they play as?
When one reads, what do they see?
It’s called an imagination,
And it needs a place to grow,
So keep it young and flowing,
While it grows upon your soul.