In the Fire.

There is a roaring fire
That burns inside of me.
I like to hear the cries for help,
The pain and all the screams.

It fills my heart with beating sadness,
It makes me feel alive.
I want to be desperately seen
Within your harsh grey eyes.

To know I cannot help them
As they burn between the flames,
I feel like I have power
As they cry out my name.

I will not reach towards them
With a helping hand- oh no!
They can suffer and die there
Within the bright orange glow.

I look to you for guidance,
For your love to reach my soul,
But instead you turn away,
Rejection: you have told.

Now they are all burning
"And for what?", you'll always ask.
"To be loved by you," I'll answer,
But I've destroyed this task.

They've all died within my heart
And you have never doubted.
But did you ever realize
I was among those thousands?

I am far out of reach from you
I'm in the hands of someone else.
Now it's your turn to slowly live
A strengthening painful hell.