Monster Inside

Behind a mask of bright and cheery,
Lies a soul both worn and weary,
Endless strikes it has sustained,
However numb it's heart is pained,
Invincible it may have seemed,
But it's bleeding more than you'd've dreamed,
This soul holds a monster deep inside,
It sits impatient with time to bide,
Waiting for the cage to break,
Waiting for one more mistake,
It's held a grudge for many a year,
This is a Monster we all shall fear,
This creature of ruin, this creature of sin,
Unleashed in the world that you live in,
Claws of vengeance tear and rend,
And a tongue of poison burns a friend,
Years of torment set aside,
The day that conscience finally died,
This is the straw that broke the camel's back,
This is the day you felt the counter-attack,
This is the moment you felt regret,
This is a Monster you've never met,
Betrayed by the ones it's heart held near,
No longer the person you imprinted with fear,
But a creature you've spawned from your own shame,
This Soul and Heart will never be the same.