Intimate Us

It was a beautiful scene
Stars scattered the black sky,
Littles twinkles of light in the night

Inside, it was also dark
But the man and the woman were not resting

Laying next to one another,
They breathed warmth on each other's bodies

"I love you," the woman whispered
So softly it seemed insignificant, but so confidently and certainly,
It was significant

The man smiled, "I love you too."

How do words exchanged so often become so important?

He kissed her forehead.
Cupped her face with his strong, but gentle hands.
His hands flowed from face to hair,
Down her back,
And up again,
Flowing, exploring freely

The woman breathed deeply,
And closed her eyes,
Taking in the warm water-like flow of the man's hands

After a minute or so, the woman did the same to the man,
Flowing her hands over his prominent chest

Their lips met, ever so softly and gently,
As if they're unsure--
But only they know how sure they really are.

Slowly, they move,

The woman laid on top of the man,
Safe, sound.

Ever so slowly,
They move up and down,
In and out,
Slowly loving

Their lips never seem to disconnect,
Becoming one, they both fill the emptiness,
That once consumed them.

No words need be said,
But the woman whispers again,
"I love you."

The man stops,
Wraps his arms around the woman,
Embracing her,
Holding her close,
With no intention of letting go.

He breathes in her scent,
As she feels his warm embrace

After a few minutes the man cups her face with his gentle hands,
Again, "I love you."

His fierce look when he told her how he felt, gave her no un certainty.

She knew.

Her eyes twinkled in the black.
Their bodies intertwined in the darkness.
It was a beautiful scene.