Only One.

Coming home late, reeking of sex and cigarettes
And baby you seem fine with that, you're just happy to see me.
And it's your perfume you're smelling
my stupid grin's all telling, telling you I love you
you're the only one for me
safe, so safe in your arms,
eyes like some gleaming charms
I'm glad to be with you,
because I'm constantly missing you, don't you see?
You're the one for me, the only one for me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ope. A poem? From this handsome man?
I spent yesterday with my girlfriend, and when I left around like one, I had an idea for a status (the first 5 lines) but my facebook was messing up, so I texted her, and finished it.
I'm not a poetic guy xD