
You look in the mirror - what do you see?
Someone who's worthless? Fat? Ugly?
You hear their jibes running through your head,
people calling you names, sneering "You're better off dead."

You paint on a smile for everyone else's sake
But no one looks closely or for long enough to realise that it's fake
Don't want to admit that they're getting to you
You're too scared of what else they'll come up with to do to you.

They corner you, slam you up against a wall
Slap your face, hard, and push you so you stumble and fall
They all walk away, laughing and joking, it's all a game
You shake, remembering they laugh and joke every single time.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm not too sure how to finish this yet, but it's based on what's happened to me before, having been bullied pretty much my whole life.