Wake Up Call

I'm amazed and in wonder
It didn't get through
I think to myself
How is this true

The sings that they're giving
They can't get much larger
Guys, this is important
Could you try a bit harder?

To you the abuser
Or to you, the user
Who's calling her names
You're not cool, you're a loser

To you, the pervert
Who only wants sex
She'll take one look at you
And then she'll say "NEXT!"

Relationships don't
simply take strength
They need tender loving care
And ONLY your heart should be growing in length.

And I think you're forgetting
They're not lining up to you
It's the other way around
So shape up or you're through

Oh and one last thing?
Girls are better than guys, I know you can't see it
But in time you will
Quit fighting, believe it
♠ ♠ ♠
I must say, I'm amazed by how some guys treat girls. It's like they think they're play things ... they fail to realize the truth: Girls ARE better than us. If they weren't, they'd have to chase us, not the other way around. So seriously guys, shape up ... I feel like hitting the next guy that calls a girl a name ... I'm so sick of it