Through the Raven's Eye

Skies of red, streaks of molten iron,
pervade the clouds, tearing them in half;
like painful broken hearts.

I flit through the apocalypse wind,
a black stripe of apathy.
Just an onlooker of this barren land.

Perching on an ancient relic of those,
kings of old, rulers of the food chain...
I wonder why they were corrupt enough,
to destroy this land of acrid beauty.

Through my beady eye, I perceive,
streets of desolate but sorrowful skeletons.
Ruffling my feathers, I ponder upon their last thoughts...
Squawking I hurriedly twist to observe...

Emptiness; a consequence of their hatred.
A ransacked, tainted and polluted wasteland,
a cracked, rubble strewn graveyard.

Luckily I can fly away,
a free spirit.
With their hopeless souls,
tucked beneath my wings.