Blank Sheet of Paper

As I sit here I stare at a blank sheet of paper
I think of your kiss and my heart skips
I think of your hand holding mine and a smile crosses my face
I think of the stolen glances and I get a little sad

I realize I won't see you for months at a time
I realize as tears fill my eyes; I'll miss you
I realize as my smile fades I hate leaving you
As I sit here and stare at a blank sheet of paper

As I sit here with my still blank sheet of paper
I wonder if leaving will ever be easy
I wonder why I feel the way I do
I wonder how I had the courage to talk to you

I look to where you are and the memories flash by
The first time I met you, National Meeting in Nashville Tennessee
The first time you told me you loved me and I almost cried
As I sit here and stare at a blank sheet of paper

As I sit here my blank sheet of paper displays my time with you
The state meetings where you cared for me
The times you wanted to hold me but distance was in our way
The places we've been yet all the ones we still wanna see

I think of these and smile tears filling my eyes
All that truly matters is that you know I love you 'till the day I die
I don't want to leave but I know I must
As I sit and stare my papers no longer empty
It's filled with the love you've given me.