I'm Happy

I am happy.
Really, I am.
With a cat named Sassy,
And a family,
With love like a dam,
Who wouldn't be?

I've got a friend,
Who always reaches out a hand,
When I need her.
I've got a house,
Where my cat killed a mouse,
And a bed
Where I can lay.

I've got food
And a perpetually good mood
Riding on my back.

But still.

What I lack,
Is always magnified,
Making me feel unsatisfied.

So, even though i have all these things,
There is still something,
I crave.

Can you tell me what it is?
♠ ♠ ♠
um...I don't think I really like this . . .I mean, it's just so cheesy . . . it's almost embarrassing.
But I'm going to put it on here anyway and let you guys tell me what you think. Please be honest, I'm looking for the truth here. And if you want, feel free to answer the question in the poem depending on your own opinion and what you got from it.
Hope you guys enjoy:) thanks for reading!