Like a Tree

A tree grows
Strong and firm they stand
Like humans
They are born into the world
A tree nourishes
Other trees stand close to its side
Like a friend
Giving their shoulder for others to cry on
A tree has enemies
That use chainsaws to cut their branches to pieces
Like those around you
Cutting you down with cruel words
Trees label themselves
With their colorful leaves
We are labeled by others
Like trees
Many of us block out one another
Not knowing a lot about each other
Like a wilted tree
Some are left alone in the dark
With no one to hold them up
They are stripped of their once colorful leaves
Their branches are too weak to hold them up
Like broken hearts too weak to beat
They need someone to keep them from hitting the ground
Like we all need someone to help us when we are hurting
When as people we can no longer stand
We fall
Like trees