Is it Worth it?

Is it hard, to stay strong for everyone else? 
You're damn right it is.

Does it get tiring, 
when nobody,
appreciates anything that you do?
Tiring is an understatement ..

Is it hard to come off as cold and cruel?
No, my father has provided me with practice.

Is it worth it?
Worth changing your life to keep everybody else happy?
Is it worth keeping everybody at arms length, 
so you don't run the risk of hurting them?
People are fragile, and hurt easily.
My pain is masked, 
 so they have a way to express theirs.

The unshed tears, 
they beg to be released.

But then everybody else would sense weakness..
And the world would be plunged back into helplessness.
I do, what I do, for a reason.
Whether you appreciate that reason, 
is completely up to you.

But please, for the sake of the pain. 
.... Humor us ....
♠ ♠ ♠
In a weird, schizophrenic kind of way, it actually makes sense. So, for all mah fellow lazy people, this poem does require thinking .. Don't hurt yourself ..