
I want to write a poem
That explains my thoughts to you
But since there's no way to describe it
I'll just say things that are true
You're different than anyone I've liked
So warm-hearted, kind and sweet
You're funny and have the prettiest
Eyes I have ever seen
You're down-to-earth and friendly
Which is more than I can say
Than that douche standing way over there
Who will never change his ways
Tee hee your abs I want to poke
Yet still you're no narccissus
Everyone loves who you are
Yet you hang with all of us
When you play guitar and sing
I hear the Geico pig squeal and cheer
But maybe that's just me?
Oh, boy, I adore having you near!
I don't know what I saw in him
He wasn't worth the words
I carefully pieced together
So he can go to the birds
However you are different
You're worth every moment
You laugh and like me anyways
When my face is covered in donut
So let me say just one more time
Don't bother to ask me why
I hope we get to talk so much more
So I'll start by saying hi
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