
I'm not sure what it is in me...
I'm not sure what it is that makes me want to runaway...

Just leave, and never come back...
Disappear from existence.

No I'm not talking about killing myself..
I'm talking about leaving town,

Changing my name, new hair cut, new beginning of a book.
Letting a new life take over, and be someone different.

I know I shouldn't think like that,
but sometimes you just can't help but let it get to you...

I wish I knew what to do to make these thoughts go away..
I wish I knew how to just push it all away and out from me.

But I can't...
You can't just push everything aside and up and leave...

Forget everyone who's ever loved and cared for you...
Desert everyone whom you had made promises too..

Running away, never solves a problem..
But not talking about it doesn't either...

But when you're the only one trying, it's hard..
Because then, what else is there?

Running away seems like the best option at this point..
But I can't, so I'll sit here in my mind...

I'll let it slowly eat at me..
And kill me.

Kill my heart slowly.