Yours Forever

Salt skin cliffs. Ragged breath-hangers.
We are twenty-one; we have just begun.
We ain’t dying anytime soon. Life’s a cliffhanger.
He takes me farther than the placid sun
To turbulence, highs I’ve been dreaming of.

I give up gravity to feel his suspension.
He has me brawling with wicked precision.

And it’s wet tongues. Skyscrapers. Jet-fighters.
I’m bursting. Tonight he asks me if I’m ready.
It’s not uncharted terrain for me.
Wet-wild seams. “I want to,” I say. “I have faith in us.”
I’m his animal. It’s torture. He’s monstrous.

I can’t tell where my air leaves off.
Lose wind. Trade storms. I breathe in as he exhales.
Brilliant. Flanked by the earth and the moon
The cavalier transit of Venus
does my paramour injustice.

He savors every drop of me, pulling me apart.
Legs split. Silk ribbons. Ruckus. Sheets amok.
Tastes every sphere until I riot.
Swollen. I hunger. Blood rush. Feet up.

He is the chance I’ll always take.
He is the effort I’ll always make.

Dawn heralds a sky vaguely infinite.
There’s a fever in my heart’s pit.
He left before me for work with a letter
Starting with my name and ending in “Yours, forever”.

Three years later, his are still the kindest eyes
But I don’t know if they’re black or blue, besides
We’re strangers. Death’s closer. We’re older.
Let’s catch up soon, we both promise each other.

I miss him some nights. So it goes.
He used to tell me things no one knows.
Work issues, bad weather. Both busy.
I heard he’s with someone. Different trajectories.

In a month I’m engaged. I tell my parents,
“Don’t worry. It’s meant to be.”
I wonder sometimes if I’m happy.
I can’t tell these days what to think,
I have no conviction in infinity anymore.

What did that stupid boy mean and
Did he believe himself?
He wrote me as a child, the letter
In a vernal gesture signed “Yours, forever."