Save Yourself

People asking to be saved.

People desperate
And praying
To a God they don't believe in.

And searching
For someone they view as strong

Strong enough to take on their problems
Because they believe themselves too weak
To carry them alone.

Well, let me tell you,
Ain't no one gunna save you honey
You gotta save yourself.

Stop giving in to desperation
Stop slicing you skin
I KNOW what its like,
I've been where you've been.

Decide to be alright.
Get mad, get pissed off!
Take care of yourself.
Stop hoping for hope.

Don't tell yourself to carry on
Because you'll only live in the past.
Act in the now and think for the future.

If you don't you'll never last.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is how I did it.