Only you can create your own happiness

The light caresses your fiery, red hair
As the wind persuades it to dance
Like silky strands of fire frolicking
Around your soft, ivory face.
Your lemongrass-colored eyes
Slowly drift closed as the
Corners of your mouth rise up
From an ever-long slumber to
Reveal your straight, porcelain
Teeth. Your long, slender legs
Are folded against your chest
And your fragile, scarred arms
Are wrapped around them.
Your melodious laughter escapes
And for just a moment, a look of
Genuine relief runs across your
Beautiful face as your joyous
Smile slowly fades. But, your
Happiness still lingers, not ready
To be buried deep inside again.
As you gently fall backward, the
Soft grass brushes against your
Rose-water-tinted cheeks and
A small, colorful butterfly stops
To rest above your pastel pink
Lips. Its fragile wings tickle your
Nose and you giggle as it flutters
Off toward its destination. You
Gaze up at the setting, summer
Sky with a reluctance to let the day
End and a wish for many more happy


You stir in your small bed as the bright sun shines through your large, curtain-less, bedroom window, disappointed that it was only a dream until you realize that today is the day you can find your happiness once again.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the only thing I've ever written that has been so close to myself, appearance wise and personality wise (I did have red hair at one point). I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know how this is considering it's very personal.