
There’s an apartment building waiting
It looks like something out of Friends or How I Met Your Mother
Because New York is the only big city that I ever really see portrayed on television
Except maybe Seattle
So I just assume that Chicago looks the same
But from what I’ve gathered
It tends to be a kitchen
A living room
A bathroom
And two bedrooms
So here’s what that waiting apartment looks like
There’s an old TV on a makeshift stand
And a couch that’s probably second-hand is facing it
The kitchen is simple
But there are a few fancy-looking tools
That would come in handy if we could afford the food they’re intended to be used for making
We’ve spent too much time painting the walls to look like a sunset
And not enough time protecting the carpet while doing so
Or maybe it’s a wooden floor
Stained by the melted horizon
There are dancing shoes in the closet
And laptops in the corner that are perpetually on
They probably heat the room better than the mechanics of the building
There’s a balcony or easy roof access
There has to be
And we’ll go out there at night
Singing songs from RENT at the top of our lungs
And no one will quite understand us
And it will be perfect