Eyes of Insanity

Fading dark, I could not see
the dying light inside of me.
Shaping faces, deformed these
many eyes that shine from the seas.

Then to cold, the air frost wavers,
rushing tides part blackened waters
as the beast resurrects from torment's depths;
soars overbreast my trembling breath.

Chaos mounted on this throne
of broken mortal's flesh and bone.
Today falls short this imminent dark,
rocked back and forth on my groaning arc.

In the eyes a fate left fleeting,
as I stood on my timbers creaking.
Giant cumulus, shattering passes,
clouds ravage these vessel's masses.
Shard croaked pillars of drifting saviors,
crashed to the bow of my wreckage's quarters.

Billowing winds sear the sky above
cracking within his shrieking flood,
shreads apart my mind in pieces
seeing his dominant tempting reaches.
With a cackle and a tremor,
the feeling within dies forever.

Wings that span heaven's floors,
whirl down fire onto our forms.
Tentacles of wrath and disparity
reawaken the caves of insanity.

Clinging to my reason mind,
I stare unto the demon's eyes.
The eyes of freezing abyss
overthrow death with its fist.
Clenched the sun in taunting delight,
he ate the star and burned the night.

Can someone save my hour?
Now that I see the repressed devour
for hatred and decline in angel's flight
of our sealing demise caught in the sight.
Sitting on the throne of death and end,
the demon laugh's with a mocking grin.

Fading dark, I could not see
the dying light inside of me.
Shaping faces, deformed in these
many eyes of insanity.
♠ ♠ ♠
Inspired from a teenage love of Metallica's Call o f Ktulu and inspired my H.P.Lovecraft. In the end, this poem is about the demon within us that cannot take the leaving grip to religion, A fight on our mind's arc against the Id, the birth of Cthulu upon the earth as if real, and the rages of our hatred against the rich and powerful to destroy their arcs and eat their suns.