Innocent Child

Small and insignificant
in the shadow of the world,
he cries.
He searches
for Mommy's reassuring smile,
for Mommy's gentle voice,
but it's all gone.
He's locked in,
with the monster
who took his mommy
Glass shatters;
he braces
for another
Alone in the dark,
no one sees
his leaking face.
His teardrops fall,
in the unseen place.
"Daddy" leaves him
bruised and battered;
a vivid red scar
crosses the soft gray matter
of his brain.
His soul is like a broken snowglobe;
it was once beautiful and whole,
and now it lays shattered.
It's like an old burned out building
that once was grand.
I remember his sweet innocence,
the way he spun around
in dizzying circles
with his dark floppy hair
bouncing joyously.
His smile
radiated forgivness
but his eyes
begged for mercy.
Now the innocence vanishes.
Anger from within causes
the violence from without.
Eyes filled with anger,
broken trust,
and broken promises
threaten to take back
the life he never had.
He severed the innocence
that once caused his pain,
and now his soul only
laments foor that which he can't
but always will have.