A different kind of beauty

I sit on a sun bleached log
Watching deep blue waves hit bulging rocks, creating a wall of water
Pelicans and Sea Gulls dive between the sets to catch the perfect fish
The suns golden beams of warmth heat up the sand between my toes
And make it sparkle like a rare diamond
Tiny crabs that don't seem to belong here,
Pillage around for something to do
Strong winds kick the sand up, erasing the footprints of others
I watch as they dissapeaar
Erased from the world forever
And as I watch,
I can't help but feel like I don't belong here
This place is so fragile
I feel like if I touch this place too much it will shatter
While this place is beautiful, my time is limited
But until my time to leave comes,
I will enjoy the song of the waves and the brightness of the sun
♠ ♠ ♠
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