
You are a boy;
I am a girl.
Hand-in-hand we run this world.

Boy meets girl;
girl meets boy.
She loved him, and he loved her.

Boy talks to girl,
tells her what he thinks;
lies. Because he cares what his friends think.

Girl hears boy;
his words cut her deep.
She doesn't cry, but she swears to change.

He called her fat, only once.
Together four years;
He wouldn't lie, would he?

She changes her diet;
her workout increases.
125; lose 20 pounds.
She's only 19.

That should be perfect.

He watches from a distance;
Notices a change.
The damage is done; there's nothing to say.

She loses that 20 pounds,
but it wasn't enough.
She looks in the mirror, hating herself.

He's hopelessly in love;
His friends in hate.
Her bones are showing; tick-tock-tock-tick

- - - - - - - - -

He watches out at school,
two weeks she doesn't show.
Knocking; on her doorstep.
His pain begins to show.

Her mother answers; pain in her eyes.
The boy before her begins to cry.
Unspoken words, he knows what's wrong;
to better her looks, she lost herself.

Her mother speaks softly,
tears threatening to fall;
He watch her lips moving,
softly asking, "why?"