Peaceful Warriors

I saw it!

He was walking down the street,
when he saw someone dying,
and he held his hand,
until he was finished crying.

I couldn't tell who it was,
but I saw her for sure!

She was helping that woman,
cross the busy street.
When the sign went to fast,
and the woman fell from her feet.
She picked her up in her arms,
and ran her past the cars.

I saw her eyes,
I saw no lies,
she was true.

He was running from them,
they all hated his face.
When he dropped his hand,
and the ground felt his mace.
He then walked and put his hand out,
and in the sun,
I heard his silent shout.
His eyes gleamed,
and they screamed,
it almost seemed:
"I will live to see tomorrow.
I will live, in spite of my sorrow."

I don't know about you,
all you story-ers,
but I feel a little less blue,
writing about peaceful warriors.