
I feel my heart aching
So painfully inside my chest
It thuds in a protest
And it beats so heavily
All I want is a repreive
Will you come back to me?
Will you relieve this pain?
Please, boy, please
All I want is your company

I miss you so sorely
It cannot be natural
This longing, these urges
So fitfully unrequited
You flatter me with sweet words
And such pretty phrases
Yet you're still with her
And I know that is
The way you will remain

So what do you want me to do?
For I cannot do this anymore
I can't stand to have you so far away
So far away from reach, from my grasp
And I feel oh so guilty
Because I know she's angry with me
I know that she hates my guts
I can't blame her
Although I can blame you