If She Only Knew

Sometimes people ask me
"If you could tell a younger sibling or younger cousin anything that would help them in life, what would it be?"

I always tell them the same thing.

I never, ever want her to feel so
And broken
That she feels like there's no other way out.

I never want her to feel like she isn't good enough.
I don't want her to ever feel like she has to skip meals because she's "too fat."

I never want her to get so deep into depression where she cuts and burns her skin. I don't want to see her go down that path.

She's the only reason why I'm still here. I didn't want her to have to go to my funeral at only 6 years old. I'm the closest thing to an older sister she has and I'm never giving up on her. I don't want to be the reason why she eventually ends up as depressed as I am.