Love Rant #3

one of the worst things in the world is to love a man
love him with all your heart and have him love you too,
then leave him all alone.

leave him alone and still love him,
it tears out what's left of your heart,
it destryos your soul.

you become nothing.
you love him and break him heart,
it is unforgiveable.

to have a man want to spend the rest of his life with you,
then leave him,
even though you feel the same way.

the pain and nothingness is overpowering.
you don't want to face it.
you want him back.

but it's too late.
you have made a horrible mistake,
you can't take it back.
you cant erase it.

eventually you become nothing.
nothing but pain,
pain and numbness,
emptyness will surround you.

numb to the world,
filled with pain.
but you put a smile on your face
you decide to be friends.
anything to be near him.

no one wanted you together,
well they got their wish,
and it has left you with a hole deep inside you,
a hole deep in your heart
making your soul bleed

your heart and soul will be gone,
with nothing to comfort you.
you aren't you anymore.

without him,
you have died.
and so has he.

you dream of him,
you look up, praying you will see his face.
you long to hear his voice, feel his touch.

you can still feel his arms around you,
his kisses on your lips.

all you can do is hate yourself.
you lied to him,
you told him you didn't love him.

you thought it was for the best at the time,
but you can't remember why.
you don't want to remember.

all you want,
all you need,
is him.
and now it's too late.

you dream of suicide,
of him.
you don't see a point in life anymore.

you have family and friends that love you,
but you dont' feel it.
you wonder what dying feels like.

you want to tell him the truth,
but you can't.
after so many lies,
you deserve this pain,
this suffering.

dying would be a reward,
so you live with this.
because you really do deserve it.
every agonizing, peircing breath,
you're a monster.

but you still love him,
you still feel him with you.
what little part of you is left still loves him.
still cares.

you have always been alone
and now you always will be.

it's always been him.
it will always be him.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is an original work. I do not allow stealing. If you share it you must credit me.