Grey Life

Empty promises,
Words and lies
Traces of Hope
All in disguise
“We’ll get you help”
Yet help never comes,
I’m ready to throw in the towel
I quit,
I’m done.
When nightmares become reality,
And bad thoughts keep me moving
Through the day,
No feelings seem to come my way
Except for the demon of sadness
He lurks inside my head
Hiding behind every corner,
Making me feel some days I’d be better off as dead
Where’s the feeling of happiness
I used to know so well?
Where’s the glimmer of hope,
How long has she been gone?
And as the hours
Slowly tick on by
And eventually end the day
I’m stuck
Trying to put some color
Inside my world
of Grey
♠ ♠ ♠
I had this on my Tumblr. I wrote it a while ago. I just decided to post it on here so I can keep track of it :)