Meteor Showers

There were no meteor showers for us
There never would be, unfortunately.
He and I were volatile from the start,
Doomed, explosive, never to end smiling
I was blind and he was blind to the peril that would come.

Our hearts bonded- combined- then broke as one.
There were no sparks or fireworks for us.
Just a deep hunger, a resonating flame
A flame that, once extinguished, would change me
It burned me and changed me in a deep way.

A way that would cause me to be all new
A way that would leave me broken and sore
With a headache that would last millennia
And a heartache that would stay even longer
The only explosions came when we fought.

But fireworks and meteor showers?
They don’t last very long anyway.
What we had will burn me for eternity.
I know that he loved me and that’s enough.
We weren't made to be forever.

But what we had, I’ll never forget.
Our love was powerful, strong and lasting
Even though his life proved not to be.
We loved with a love that was volatile
But never ending nonetheless.

Perhaps we weren't always stable,
But we were nothing close to cliche.
Our love was absolutely unique.
He and I were not meant to last forever
But since our hearts were one, part of me died with him.

There were no meteor showers for us
Nor was there magic or fireworks,
But still he made me happy
And our love resonated deep
I suppose the gods were jealous

And so they took him in his sleep.
Our hearts are bonded forever
And I’ll miss him even longer.
My dark prince came and went
And I’ll remain forever changed.

There were no meteor showers for us
But our love resounded nonetheless.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just felt poetic again, what can I say? Possibly more to come.