Graffiti (Remember Me)

it gets cold when one gets old
like a flower's blossoms end
the winter comes summer begins
the ultraviolet garden welcomes bees
to pollinate and on the breeze
the taste of fading fragrance face
to live, to die, to give, to cry,
to rise, to fall, under the sky
under evolution's eye
that watches as we all pass by
heeding not our tears, our why

just a procession in possession
of our life, our love, our strife
the ups and downs of our brief life
until the bed we take to wife
to live is to die, to try, to strive,
to falter on the stage alive
it is our lot by all forgot
we scream we shout, we plead, we tout
our virtues and our failings too
that someday someone just might hold true
to our image screaming fades
as we become another page
a hushed tone in a single script
we try, we cry, we die, we live
all writ down in but a blip
that's all we are a footnote but
trampled by yesterday's foot
and left to languish in the past
our memories our thoughts will pass
as we will boast our idle thoughts
as but a ghost return to naught
to haunt the minds of those we love
ne'er to come back as a dove
or spread our wings to fly above
the life we've left behind, to shrug

from nowhere comes to nowhere goes
our life the briefest tale's shadow
a show of sorrow, anguish, hate,
to learn to love to live and late
we find the meaning of it all
graffiti scribbled on the wall
that says remember me, that's all
that when we past to death, our pall
is but a glimpse caught by our friends
who stand around us in the end
remembering our laughs, our tears,
joking o'er the sojourn years
with which we tried to make it count
our one life and left to doubt
where to we go who knows who goes
to come back and in lightning shows