
Caressing her cheek lightly,
He whiped away the single tear,
Shushing her and telling her not to cry,
The emotion she was feeling,
Didn't need to be shared,
It needed to stop.

For he didn't care if she was sad,
She was to shun all these emotions,
of course he would not love her is she didn't,
And she really WANTED him to love her,
NEEDED him to love her.

His hard stare burned into her tender soul,
Spreading his malevolent hate through it,
She accepted it easily,
Didn't deny any of it to fester.

Her love for him was so great,
She could not help but give him everything...
Along with her soul.

A new emptiness gleamed in her eyes,
Black emptiness consumed her then,
Anyone that knew her before would notice the darkening,
The no longer deep blue eyes were now almost black.

Black as night,
Empty of all emotion,
Empty of compassion or empathy,
Stolen away by the Devil himself.

Cloaked by the rotten,
Fake beauty of love.