
The wind calls to us and we must reply.

Like Moths to the flame we take to the sky.

The ground can’t give us what we need.

For in only the air can we reach our true speed.

They look down on us cause they don’t understand.

In the air is a brotherhood you won’t find on land.

The goddess of the sky brings us together.

Brothers and sisters may we fly forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
The characters of the story live in a time where true flight had become a reality. At first only the rich and powerful could afford the device called the Icarus, which they bought for their kids to play with. Over time the spoiled children grew bored with their new high tech toys and threw them away like trash. It was then that the Icarus found its way down into the hands of the resourceful inner city children who realized it true potential.

Let me know what you think c: