Elysian's Lake

It is our keeper of secrets:
hazy dreams locked away with a key of late summer night,
left for moonshine to break this secret free.

Memory is your arms around my waist,
fingers dancing across toned flesh while freshwater gave us a safety blanket,
silhouettes on a reflection of the moon and jagged recollections.
Whispering prayers to gods we never believed in,
we studied each other's anatomy and insecurity without
realizing we are more than meets the eye.

So leave me in the water-
let the waves kiss my skin as if I am a lost love reunited,
let your lips remind me how it feels to live.

Drown me in my thoughts and I will emerge refreshed,
finding clarity in the feeling of scraping against sandy bottom,
depths lower than we would ever go.

Crashing waves may mask our memories,
but I sill see your Cheshire gin against the soft glow,
feel your satin skin brush mine,
and for a moment, you drown me in clarity
Until I am forced to remind myself:
some things were simply not meant to be.