Fake Smiles.

I miss when my smiles were genuine,
innocent, sincere, sweet as honey.
I miss that I didn't have to pretend that something made me smile.
I miss having something to smile about, really smile about.
Now, when I smile, it's never real.
It never feels right.
Now, when I smile, it's because I have to.
Not because someone deserves to see my face spread with pure joy.
Fake smiles are the only things that can get me through a day.
A week.
A month.
A year.
Fake smiles keep people from asking,
peeping, prying into my personal problems.
They keep me from drama,
from awkward situations ,
from having to share details.
Details that I only want to know about.
Fake smiles can get me through a day.
A week.
A month.
A year.
♠ ♠ ♠
I started this poem a looooong while back and just found it. So, I revised it and added more. Hope you likey.(: