My old Friend

It's such a luxury.
We all die sometime.

He was such a good looking shadow,
His matted hair so you could see no facial features,
You ask how do I know what death looks like.

He's a good friend of mine,
We go back ages.
He used to keep a close eye on me,
Waiting at every corner.

He watched me bleed,
Watched me cry.
Begging for a release,
Doing everything to slowly kill my body.

I would beg,
Beg for my life to be taken.
I didn't want to live anymore,
Life is a lie.

Death would watch me sit on the bathroom floor,
Cursing at my reflection.
It haunted me,
Blood would cover my arms.

Then one night,
I gave up.
Giving up on death,
I wanted to live.

Then my old friend,
Silently left.
Leaving me alone,
That was what I wanted.
To finally be alone,
With my Razor.