
We first saw each other over the taste of fast food
Our first date simple and complex
You kissed me and I fell into those green eyes
You took me hostage, the first time I held out my wrists

All the times before I've kept my heart hidden
But with you, there was no camouflage green enough
And even when times get tough I can't run
Captured me is what you've managed to do

I close my eyes and it's you I see
I've closed my eyes and it's you I feel
Although I am not the one you see
Not the one you touch

I used to be, used to be her
I used to be the one you longed for
I used to be better than her cold metal frame
I used to be better at easing the pain

You fell into her tricks
I knew when you were with her
Blood-shot eyes, tainted breath
You left me for a bottle