
What is beauty?
Is it rare?
How many people have it?
How many people care?

Does it come with a cost?
Is it painfully obtained?
Will you be free from prejudice?
Or still chained?

Is it worth it?
Is it just a label?
Beauty is a mystery
Some say it's a fable

I think beauty is earned
Not a way to describe how you look
It's about actually reading
Instead of judging by the cover of the book

Whose to say we aren't beautiful
We all are in our own way
So no one else but us
Has that to say

Beauty is trouble
Or at least it will get you some
When the pretty girls
Try to play dumb

No matter your shape or size
Your culture or race
We are all beautiful
Just look in a mirror at that pretty face

Everything about you
Even your every flaw
Is beautiful
It's in nature's law

So do not say otherwise
And never wear a frown
Because you're too beautiful
To wear a smile upside-down

No matter what anyone thinks or says
No matter how hard it may be
You are beautiful
Everyone is, even me

Beauty is simple
Beauty is found everywhere
Beauty is all around
Beauty is something to share