Call of the Siren

Heed the Call, the Siren’s lullaby!
It tis dangerous for all to hear!
Going by all so fast,
You will find ourself entranced,
Falling, tripping, unaware of her true intent
Hear the Call of the Siren!
A drunken lullaby, a whisper in your ear!
The Sea will tell you when she is near,
For she was born from its embrace,
Fathered by the kiss of the North Wind.
Her beauty is lost to the eyes of those she meets.
Heal her broken heart by listening to her Call.
The Siren’s Call, the cry of a temptress.
A sailor’s mistress in the storm’s eye,
She leads all to a watery grave.
To her home in the dark abyss below
Hark! Can you hear it now?
The Siren, she calls to us!
Children of the sea whispering in the winds
Sighing unto the waves.
The Siren sings in mourning
A lullaby for those lost at sea.
They’ll never see the inner beauty of her soul.
This is the Call of the Siren.
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A siren is said to lure men or people at sea. This is just sort of a short a narrative.