Silence 1

And so the silence fills the air,
Waiting, watching as strangers stop and stare.
As the stars reply by shaking your core,
Through every muscle, every hair.

As soon as you wake to the lover’s lore
You question, question what all of this is for.
And so the silence fills the air,
Waiting, praying, as your heart begins to soar.

As you spread your wings with gentle care,
Fly into this trap, recoil, and ensnare.
A pitch black audience is waiting for that ecstatic encore.
Since when did we ensure how well you will fair?

Making you sing not, neither, or nor,
In an operatic scream of a mountain’s roar.
And so the silence gives a rip and tear,
As the audience watches you with endless stupor,

As your voice breaks out, a sweet honey pear.
Children watching whilst this is all you can bear.
The shadows applaud and cry out for more,
And the moon rises in daylight’s contraire.

When your heart split and tore
Wistful tears, sweat, and blood began to pour,
And so the silence filled the air,
Waiting for children to stop and stare.