"It's All In The Past"

They say your past is behind you
That it's okay to live for today
So how come everyone brings mine up
Why do they remind me of it everyday

I know what I did
I learned from my mistakes
"People never change"
I know that, I really do

Everyday when I see myself
I can only see the old me
I say "I can change that, there's always a way"
I know it's a lie, but it's the only way I can live

Everywhere I go, I hear people say
That you can always change your life
Christians preach about forgiveness
Well where's mine?

Did I do something so wrong
That I don't deserve it?
Is there none left for me?
What am I missing

Is this just a cruel joke
Because I can't seem to find the punch line
Is my life just a toy to you people
Why taunt me so much

Didn't you know that's what started the whole thing
Do you want me to go back
Is that what it is
Should I just give up

Does my happiness mean nothing
How come everyone else but me deserves it
Is there a limit to how many people can have it
Am I just that out of luck?