
I stand in a place
It is dark
The place where I stand is irrelevant,
It means nothing.
What matters
(but it really doesn’t matter),
Is my eyes.
They are wide
Irises expanded
Retina processing the image before me
Reflected in my
Pupils (black holes)
They’re Dilated
They silently observe
Irises contract
Pupils constrict
2 black holes
Staring at a 3rd black hole
Directly in front of me.
Reality and nothingness collide at a single juncture
This juncture is a black hole
Pointing at me.
Within it lies potential energy
In a split second
A mind (not mine, it can’t be mine) can make a decision
To trigger some nerves
(I won't do it)
Which contract some muscles
(I can't do it)
The muscles move flesh and bone
(Everything flashing before me, my god it’s happening)
That squeezes a little handle
(No turning back)
Instantly converting potential energy to kinetic energy
(I welcome the nothingness)
Creating a 4th black hole

Between my eyes