
To say there is no God
Is to remove humanities crux

All things can not be answered
Thus is the great mystery of life
our only answer
Is our established faith in the divine

It is so ingrained
In our human psyche
In our language, our history
That to remove our religion
Is to remove an essential part of our identity

It is greater than not
Our unfailing belief in the divine
That enables humans to raise
We overcome, persevere, survive
And why?

It is the question asked around the world
Without any answer to provide us
We are at a stalemate
We can answer with the truth
A resounding "I don't know"
Or better try to explain
"because of (divine entity)"

It is far easier and more comfortable
To place our beliefs in the unseen
To hold dear that which is a mystery
Than to venture out
Into the great unknown