Don't you remember?

Do you still remember?
Is that why you won't look me in the eye?
Do you remember that day like I do?
The way you held me,
Which stall we were in,
What class you skipped?

I still remember
That's why it hurts to look you in the eye
I will always remember

You took my hand
I followed you
To the third stall from the right
Where our names are still written on the door
My back against the wall
I let you in

I still remember
I won't go in that stall anymore
I will always remember

You skipped biology
Even though it was your favorite class
You told me I was worth it
I skipped lunch for you
I promised my friends I'd be there
I knew you were worth it

I still remember
I should never have broken my promise
I will always remember

I was so nervous
You calmed me down
Everything seemed perfect
Then you hurt me
I felt worthless
I was unimportant

I still remember
I can never look at you the same
I will always remember

♠ ♠ ♠
The girl that started everything, was also the girl that ruined my life.