I'm Alright, Daddy

This isn't a broken heart from a parted lover,
not a poem about strangers.
This isn't about some little fight,
this is me, simply telling you, I'm alright.

I was never good enough, and that's okay.
Just a little girl, in a big world, without a place.
I was used to it, and I felt secure.
Then you left, "Daddy," you left me with a curse!

Mom is doing well, she does what she can.
She does more than you ever -- ever did.
But when I'm all alone inside my head,
the sickness you gave me crawls into my body again.

It's hard not to break when I'm so bent.
But I think I've managed to do it.
You wanted to hurt me, and that you did.
But I like to believe I am stronger now,
because of how it all ended.

I'm taking a breath and gaining control.
I'm holding my head up, holding it high.
Looking towards the sky, I look at the light.
I don't need you. I'm just telling you, I'm alright.