Things You Hate About Yourself

you hate your
body and the way you look
you hate how you go
bright red at almost anything
you hate how painfully
shy you are around people you don’t know
and people you do
you hate that you’re paranoid that
everyone is watching you
wherever you go
you hate that you have to steel
yourself before doing things that
everyone else does with ease
you hate how stupidly weak you are
and the scars on your body are testament to that
you hate how shitty a friend you are and
you wish you could do better
but you can’t
you hate how little confidence you have
in yourself - it’s too easy to convince you
that you’re worthless, useless, and not good enough
you hate how you overanalyse everything
sometimes the same phrase, same piece of conversation
for weeks on end
you hate that you have a long list of things
you hate about yourself while
on your list of things you like
there’s nothing