
You sit in your room in an attempt to hide from your impending doom.

The whole time you feel trapped like you are in a tomb, knowing it will come too soon.

to calm yourself, you hum a simple tune, you hope and say "It will be okay."

When the truth is you do not have a prayer, you sit and wait deep
in despair, knowing the monster is lurking out there.

lying in wait, you are hoping it is not too late, praying that is not your fate.

At the door you can only stare knowing soon it will be there.

Your body begins to shake, knowing your heart it will stake.

You can not defend yourself any more, still you watch the door.

soon the door is kicked in, your supposed punishment is about to begin.

It glares at you in disgust, it's eyes making you feel like you could combust.

"Vampire, for all the blood you have stole, may god have mercy on your long lost soul."

You watch the slayer rush at you, your body dodges as if on cue, and suddenly
you know exactly what to do.

"Slayer, I have been expecting you, is that the best you can do?"

The slayer pushes a button on his belt, you feel a pain you have never before felt.

You rip the sharp object from your arm, you throw it and you wink as a show of charm.

The slayer can not dodge it's a direct hit, and you can see it is the end of it.

So in the end you have won, and tonight's battle is done.

Tomorrow you know there will be more, and you'll be waiting from behind your bedroom door.
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who the monster is depends on your point of view. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it, thank you.